Republican Recap
Quentin Smeltzer, SmeltzerNation 8/3/10
Well, Lindsey is out of jail and into rehab but nothing much has changed for the Republicans. They still say jobs are the number one priority, but they block the passage of any bill that will help create jobs.
They still say the biggest financial threat we face is the deficit, but they are opposed to raising taxes on the top two percent richest Americans to levels that produced a budget surplus in the Clinton years.
Sharon Angle continues to refuse to answer questions from the press (no, Fox News doesn’t count), and the Republicans refuse to consider comprehensive immigration reform while plotting to change the Constitution to strip American citizenship from a sizeable percentage of the brown babies born in this country. I don’t think that’s much of an overstatement, do you?
This would all be laughable, particularly the part about refusing to raise taxes on the rich to historically normal levels, except many of the poorest and presumably dumbest amongst us support these lunatic positions with a fervor edging ever closer to violence. All of this leads many news organizations to predict big gains for Republicans in the coming November elections.
So, let’s get this straight: Republicans presided over entangling us in the two longest and mostly costly wars in our nation's history while simultaneously running our economy off a cliff. The first war was understandable, except for the fact that it’s gone on for nine years. The second war was a crusade, pure and simple.
At the same time, Republicans drove the economy into the biggest contraction since the Great Depression by cutting taxes, eliminating business regulations and spending as if a sizeable percentage of the money was siphoning directly into their pockets—which it was.
Since 2008, Democrats have been making progress undoing all of these disasters, but not quickly enough for most of us—almost entirely due to Republican obstruction, by the way. And all of this adds up to… vote for Republicans???
Okay then…
In the past I have heard some snarky Republicans call for a literacy test in order to qualify to vote. Be careful what you ask for. These days anyone capable of adding two plus two and getting four is unlikely to vote Republican. Unfortunately, apparently, judging by the poles, that doesn’t include much of the public.
Write on, Q! I hesitate to say "Right on!" because "right" has taken such a nasty turn for the disastrous lately. Who can explain it? How did the "right" become so wrong? I am blaming SP and her foul mouth.