Mosque We?
Quentin Smeltzer, SmeltzerNation, 8/22/2010
No one is more disturbed than I that on every issue that comes up, I seem to side with my liberal rather than my conservative friends. However, as I’ve recently written, until you righties actually get something right, that’s just the way it’s going to have to be…
The latest example is what is known as the “Mosque Controversy.” Should an Imam be allowed to build a mosque at Ground Zero? First of all, only Imam’s build mosques, as far as I know, so the fact that the construction is being put forth by an Islamic, religious leader really can’t be helped.
Stupid attempts at humor aside, I understand it is a cultural center, not a mosque, and it is not to be built at “Ground Zero” but two blocks away. I don’t know if you’ve ever been to Manhattan (I lived there for ten years) but two blocks away in Manhattan is like the next town over for the rest of the country. A lot goes on in two blocks of Manhattan. Neighborhoods can begin and end, social-economic conditions flip, the architecture changes, different languages are spoken; everything can change in the space of two blocks in Manhattan!
But let’s try to be reasonable here. Those of you who oppose this new mosque, how many blocks would you like? Would three blocks be better? Four? How about four blocks and a side street? How about just past the topless bar, and across from the pizza joint, near the church that was converted into a nightclub?
I am also troubled by the term Ground Zero. Shouldn’t we call it Ground Less Than Zero, since it’s been almost ten years now and there is nothing there but a giant hole in the ground? And doesn’t the fact that this particular religious leader is one Imam who has worked diligently to promote peaceful dialog and understanding between Muslims, Jews and Christians count for something?
Not to the Fox and Rush crowd. They see a wedge issue. They see another opportunity to rile up the yahoos and get them out there in the streets with their Obama-as-witch-doctor signs on the evening news. They see a way to stir anger against the Democrats, which is the only way they’re ever going to win another election: because they haven’t got a single idea that works between them.
Oh wait, I forget, they have ideas: when Reagan cut taxes, the economy improved and revenues went up. Gee, that must mean that if we keep cutting taxes, revenue will go even higher! In fact, if you really care about the budget deficit, cut taxes to zero! Revenues will explode! That assumes, of course, that you can explode to zero. Which, sadly, brings us back to our topic.
Some say the cultural center-cum-mosque will be a thumb in the eye of the 9/11 victim families. Others say it will show the world that we really mean it when we say this country protects and defends religious freedom, whether it’s popular or not—especially when it’s not.
The correct answer is door number two. Sorry Conservatives. I really do hope to side again with you soon. However, I’m afraid that, once again, you’ve chosen incorrectly.
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